CHRISTIAN-ISH Cards (Clean Christian Card Game) Family Card Game, Church Humor, Church Jokes, Small Group, Game Night ETC


SKU: B0BH6NXMTL Category:


  • Finally! A clean replacement for secular games
  • CHRISTIAN-ISH can be played for hours and enjoyed by all. However, we recommend 14+ just so there is an understanding of the content of the cards. If you have advanced or very churched children they can play this sooner.
  • Great for families with teens and young adults
  • Elevate your next game night by bringing this to the party
  • Christian Humor that is clean and actually FUNNY.
  • How to play: Everyone will draw 10 cards. The “religious leader” will then draw a prompt card. All other players will submit their funniest card face down so the religious leader doesn’t know whose is whose. The religious leader will then flip the cards and read the answers one by one. Once they have chosen their favorite they ask who it belongs to. They will then give that player the white card to keep as a point card. The game ends when one person collects 5 points.


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